Inivitation Letter

Dear friends and colleagues,

We cordially invite you to participate in the 32nd AINI Congress, which will be held on May 6-9, 2024 at the T Hotel CAGLIARI, situated in the center of Cagliari (Sardinia).


The main topic of the congress will be the interplay between neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. World-leader speakers from all the different areas of neuroimmunology will present their most recent findings, providing a unique platform for networking and inspiring scientific discussions.


This year we have selected Autoimmune Neurology, Viruses and Infections in brain inflammatory diseases, Artificial intelligence in Neuroinflammation, Experimental models of Multiple Sclerosis, Nutrition and Neuroinflammation, Neuroimmunology of mood disorders, as the main topics of the meeting, hoping to inspire and motivate younger scientists to pursue research interests in the field of Neuroimmunology. 


In addition to an exciting congress programme with a multitude of up-to-date topics, the meeting will be held in Cagliari a city with a continuous history of human settlement dating back five thousand years. Additionally, it houses the University of Cagliari, established in 1607, and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese since the 5th century AD.


We are looking forward to welcoming you in Cagliari.


The Organising Committee:
Eleonora Cocco, Rosella Mechelli and Claudio Procaccini.

Con il patrocinio di



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